Landmark Pegasus provides management expertise and financial analytics.

For established companies, Landmark Pegasus has extensive experience in both leveraged buyouts and strategic buy-ins, including what was at the time the single largest leveraged buyout in the nutritionals industry.

Services provided in this area include:

  • Market and Company Analysis
  • Identifying and approaching potential financial partners to transactions
  • Increasing management depth
  • Assisting in the negotiation of terms

Landmark Pegasus can provide clients with thorough financial analysis, market insight, negotiation counseling, and other managerial services. Our vast network of contacts, developed through 33 years of experience, allows us to analyze a client’s business and quickly determine the most appropriate potential financial partners for it. This, combined with our advanced financial modeling and valuation capabilities, and working in conjunction with a client’s legal and accounting professionals, ensure that our clients come to the negotiation table with every possible advantage.

In order for shareholders to secure maximum value in a buyout, managerial gaps and business inefficiencies can exist that need to be identified and addressed before the deal goes to market. Landmark is perfectly positioned to assist its clients in resolving these issues.

Lets Talk

We’d love to hear from you. Contact us now to learn how we can be of value to your company.

Or Call us at (201) 788-7271